Where To?


It takes a community to raise a child. A place where single fathers, mothers, and parents from all walks of life can come together with one thing in common - How to be the best for our child(ren)


My personal journey of fatherhood to offer a sense of humor, relatability, and possible insight

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Make it apparent that you are a parent on the more missed opportunities due to false assumptions

What is IndiParent?

A haven for single parents with a special focus to single fathers navigating the uncharted waters of parenthood. It can feel a little overwhelming in an attempt to commune with other single fathers when a majority of the networks and information are intended for the mothers, leaving us fathers to feel a bit underserved. Hence why I created IndiParent, but don’t feel excluded you single mothers! We’re here for you too!


We understand the triumphs and losses, the instinctual pressure to be a focused and present parent while also needing to be a full-time breadwinner. The late (sometimes sleepless) nights and early starts to the day and the many goodbyes and no’s we’ve had to disperse amongst our peers are just some of the battle scars.


Parenthood is not easy. Single parenthood is a far cry from “challenging” even though we make it look easy. Those bags under our eyes were earned! For that, we have a forum where you can indulge in community and learn from others, as it takes a community to raise a child. Here your questions find answers and bonds are formed that last a lifetime.


We also provide a blog of which is a personal collection of my fatherhood journey where you can gather a sense of humor, possible insights, and entertainment to hopefully lighten your mental load and realize, “I’m not alone”. Lastly we offer some new garments in our store for whatever motive – whether it be to wear single parenthood as your badge of honor, attract other single parents into your circle or to never miss another opportunity when that certain someone decides not to approach you (with your child[ren]) because they believe mother/father is still in the picture.


Whatever your reason for being here is, We’re sure glad you made it. Take your shoes off and stay awhile. We’re here for the long haul!


How IndiParent Started

There’s no denying the stigma against single fathers. In society’s eyes, we’re perceived as being less nurturing and less likely to provide quality care for our child(ren). As impudent as it is, I can’t blame society for it’s beliefs. It does however create for a feeling of isolation and loneliness; and from that, IndiParent was birthed. So this one’s specially made for you, single fathers. To all other parents – need not feel excluded; we welcome all parents as every one of you has some wisdom that can be shared and/or gained. 

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